Roger G3SXW g3sxw at btinternet.com
Sun Jul 19 14:12:58 PDT 2009

Hello Brian, and others,
Just back from Moscow, fuller report later. Meanwhile:

>I reckon that Roger, as one of the referees had a very interesting time.

It was indeed a fascinating weekend, they are VERY sharp operators. Winner 
averaged over 170 per hour for eight hours. I was a pre WRTC-2010 observer, 
not a Referee.

>Some of the R33 stations seemed to be head and shoulders above others both 
>in terms of signals and ability. signals could have been vagaries of 

They were all within a dozen miles of each other, so it was not propagation. 
They were all field day style with identical set-ups on almost totally flat 
grass lands. Signal variations could well have been beam headings. Yes, 
there was a wide range of operating ability, the winning station having 
nearly double the QSOs of the last-placed.

>Looking forward to Rogers report with interest.

Yup, more later, tomorrow, when I've recovered.

>Maybe the Robot has the problem although I have not seen any other reports 
>of difficulty.

Dunno, Brian. They received some 600 logs from around the world within the 
four hour deadline.
CUL - 73 de Roger/G3SXW. 

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