Danny Higgins danny.higgins at keme.co.uk
Wed Jul 22 11:01:28 PDT 2009

I don't think it is all down to filter technology.  The broadband noise 
from a transmitter on the same co-ax will get through any filter, unless 
it is somehow cancelled out.

Danny, G3XVR

David, G3YYD wrote:
> Roger
> Any hints on what the filtering technoogy used?
> David G3YYD
> Roger G3SXW wrote:
>> Dear UK-Contest,
>> I observed Russian Radio Team Contest as preparation for WRTC-2010. It was held just outside Moscow with 18 two-man teams, and was the 18th straight year that it has been held. Field Day style, all stations within a few miles of each other (but minimum separation of 500 metres) on flat grass-lands. Identical antennas: tribander and 40m Vee at 35 feet. Eight-hour multi-mode contest, changing call-sign and exchange each two hours. Full-time Referee monitoring each Team. The winner RW3QC/RN3QO made 1,532 QSOs, an average of over 190 per hour throughout.
>> Set-ups and operating were extremely impressive: two radios, two ops, often one CQ, the other S&P, with lock-out to prevent both TX at the same time. All the leading four teams used a filtering system allowing TX on one radio and RX on the other radio at the same time ***on the same antenna/coax***. Cor!
>> The log-checking data-base benefited from some 600 external logs e-mailed within four hours and the whole adjudication process was finished some eight hours after the end of the contest, with the award ceremonies the following morning.
>> It was an enjoyable weekend (language is a problem though). WRTC competitors next year will be well cared-for but will have some difficulty beating these super-slick Russian competitors!
>> 73 de Roger/G3SXW.
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