Steve Bunting stephen.bunting at virgin.net
Mon Jun 8 14:28:48 PDT 2009

Hi Folks,

I'd avoid the Moonrakers as although they are sturdy I have seen a few 
that have some interesting "short cuts" and others that exhibit mediocre 
performance. For example:


I have also owned Vargardas. As others have said they are very well 
built and the 2m ones work, but I have had severe problems with the 13 
and 21 el 70cm designs. I ended up modelling the "432Mhz" design and 
demonstrated to my own satisfaction that (for a change) the problems 
were not user error. I have corresponded with a couple of other well 
know VHF DXers and EMEers who have much more experience than me and also 
found similar problems in the 70cm design. In the end I built DK7ZBs for 
144 and 432 and am delighted with those. Wimo sell a flavour of these 
although the exchange rate probably makes them expensive nowadays. I see 
that G0KSC and YU7EF also have computer optimised designs on the web 
that you may prefer.


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