[UK-CONTEST] Off topic - but........

tom wylie thomaswylie at sky.com
Sat Jun 13 06:04:20 PDT 2009

These are probably not the correct forums but I'd like to spread the 
word as far as possible.
It is also probable that most of the offenders are not on this 
reflector, but if you do know of anybody I am referring to please pass 
it on.

I am referring to the phenomenon of UK operators who flock to Scotland 
in the summer and participate in amateur radio activities, whether it is 
an Island Expedituion, a lighthouse expedition or just a family trip.

You make countless QSOs and then scuttle off home without a thought or 
care about QSL cards.

As the GM4AAA-ZZZ Buro sub-manager, I collect your residue after you 
have gone.  I have to search the callbook and internet to try to locate 
you and then re-route the QSL cards taking up much of my spare time.

I do this as a "volunteer" who also likes to receive QSL cards, and so 
am prepared to go that little extra mile to route your cards to you.   
Unfortunately some of my emails are met with
comments like "I dont collect cards" - "post them on and I'll re-imburse 
you" - yea right!

Can I make a plea that if you do come and visit our wonderful scenic 
hospitable Country,
in addition to packing your rig and antenna, you spare a little thought 
for your aftermath, and drop me a couple of self addressed stamped 
envelopes so that I can route your cards to you.
If you are here for a contest and likely to make a load of QSOs, feel 
free to drop me an email and "pre-warn" me to look out for cards, I'm 
happy to accomodate you.

Right now I am sitting on quite a few cards, for individuals from 
Northern Ireland, Wales and England, who have not got published email 
addresses and have not responded to a short postal note.

Come the autumn, they will become garden compost!

73 to all,
Tom - GM4FDM
Sub Buro Manager GM4AAA-ZZZ

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