[UK-CONTEST] 'Remote' radials...

G3RAU at aol.com G3RAU at aol.com
Tue Jun 16 08:50:25 PDT 2009

This breaks down into 3 points.
Firstly, the worse the radial system  the more RF is lost in  the soil, and 
it is lost omni directionally i.e. before it radiates  anywhere. So, bang 
in several earth stakes say 3 or 4 feet apart in a  triangle at the base of 
the vertical  and parallel them, If needs be,  remember GM3SEKs secret 
weapon, a hammer drill set on hammer only, that will  help get long stakes into 
the ground.   Knock each one down  into a small hole, and when you dismantle 
the antenna just pop a rock into  each hole and reuse the stakes at a later 
date.  It is a pity,  but you obviously can't have elevated radials with 
sheep around, or  even have radials lying on the ground. (If you can the problem 
is solved).
Secondly regarding the existing radial mat, it can do no harm, and the  
change in directivity will be microscopic.  But, getting a wire lying on  the 
ground to be an electrical  half wave is not what it seems, you will  need a 
deal of messing about because the velocity factor will be screwed  up.  A 
test of your patience coming up with that one. Maybe not worth the  bother.
Thirdly feed the vertical through something the sheep can't eat or crush,  
and slip a section of plastic pipe over the bottom of the vert to stop the  
inquisitive sheep burning their noses on the RF.
I have used a quarter wave vertical with no more than a copper hot  water 
cylinder buried at the feed point, it matches nicely to 50 ohms, so  proving 
the earth resistance is rubbish and far too high, but it still  works dx, 
and is far from useless. Getting it away from houses makes the  local qrm 
level drop dramatically and is well worth the effort.  
Have fun
Derek G3RAU

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