[UK-CONTEST] RadCom column

Steve White g3zvw at talktalk.net
Tue Jun 23 12:48:47 PDT 2009

As some of you will undoubtedly remember, I sent a message to the group
about a week ago, saying that I had been appointed to take over the Sport
Radio column in RadCom from Tim, G4VXE. A couple of you were kind enough to
e-mail me off-list and send some material for the column. That was
excellent, but earlier today the hard drive in my laptop failed, so could
those of you who sent me material please resend it to the same e-mail
address. There was someone who sent me two pix from an NFD station (Voodoo
Contest Group written on a keyboard), plus a report - these are what I need

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Steve, G3ZVW

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