[UK-CONTEST] UK-Contest Digest, Vol 75, Issue 6

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Mar 6 09:46:24 PST 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken Eastty" <ken.g3lvp at btinternet.com>

> I worked 50 stations in the ARRL DX contest the other weekend
> and didn't send a single report, not a single station queried RST?

You shouldn't do that - you will confuse novice contesters,
and it gives you an unfair advantage over everyone else who
sends, receives and logs 59 or 5NN in every QSO.

Even experienced contesters need something to let them
know that the important part of the exchange is coming
next, and 59 or 5NN does that nicely.

If it's in the rules, you must do it.  It's part of our
contesting heritage and culture, a legacy from the last
century :-)

Paul EI5DI

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