Steve Knowles g3ufy at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Mar 11 16:31:40 PDT 2009

The RSGB Headquarters Station, GB5CC, will be QRV from South London this year, operated by Quin, G3WRR, and myself.  Our objective is to work everyone who wants a QSO and we will be active for the full 24hour period.

The station will be an IC7800 + Ranger 811H amplifier; the antennas - vertically polarised loops on 80m & 40m with a 5-ele tribander for HF.

The noisy environment here makes things particularly difficult on 80m and 40m - we ask strong local (UK) stations to QRX when requested if we are called by DX.

Look forward to meeting you all in the contest


Steve  G3UFY

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