Thomas Cannon tom.g0vqr at ntlworld.com
Mon Mar 16 14:19:41 PDT 2009

<I suffered more this year from
> non-Commonwealth callers, and had to get quite ratty with some, they mostly
> went away after that.
> 73
> Alan P3J/5B4AHJ

I think I would have sent a 599 and put them in the log.

You would not have been penalised for having them their.

They would have gone away happy, and possibly you would have spent less time.

Let's hope they do not tune past you on the band next time in a contest when you need their points.

I only worked 3  stations in total in the last 15 minuets (P3J was my first)

Well done on the 830 QSO's. I noticed I am the last QSO in your log.

Tom G0VQR / M0AAA Reading club call

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