Alan Jubb - 5B4AHJ g3pmr at shacklog.co.uk
Tue Mar 17 05:31:51 PDT 2009

> I think I would have sent a 599 and put them in the log.

Tom, as has been said by Peter G4MJS and Brian C4Z/5B4AIZ, doing what you
suggest is asking for trouble. It would open the flood-gates, leaving no
option but to QSY.
Furthermore, I'm not sure I'm allowed to work non-contest stations with my
contest call.

> I only worked 3  stations in total in the last 15 minuets (P3J was my
> first)

   I noticed I am the last QSO in your log.
I'm intrigued as to how you have seen my log Tom? BTW, you are not the last
station in the log, there are 8 stations after you.

Alan P3J/5B4AHJ

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