[UK-CONTEST] Beru categories.
brian coyne
g4odv at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Mar 22 23:32:00 PDT 2009
In response to the post from Ken, G3LVP, I don't think a tirade against High Power stations is helpful or needed, or indeed relevant to this debate because it brings, as we have seen, the type of flippant post made by Clive, which will cause people to dismiss the topic of the thread and ignore it all together.
Surely any sour grapes in relation to Ken's 'anything goes' allegation, would only be expected from competitors in the same section and we have seen no evidence of that but please do not pursue that topic in this thread.
For many, many reasons level playing fields are not posssible, however broad levels of categories are achievable and I was hoping to make the point that there is room for a section of operators with basic 100w radios, small tri-banders and single wire antennas as we see in many other contests.
73 Brian 5B4AIZ.
From: Clive Whelan <clive.whelan at btinternet.com>
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Beru categories
Cc: uk-contest at contesting.com
Message-ID: <49C555D8.30202 at btinternet.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
I propose the following category!
HF: Maximum 2 elements at no greater than 9m above ground
LF: Single vertical of height no greater than 8m
Amplifier: Single tube, 4CX800 maximum
Geriatric: > 65 years old, unable to stay awake much past midnight
Domestic: All meals and beverages to be prepared by the operator him/her
Canine challenged: Must walk the dog at least twice during the contest
Dress: Sloppy; jeans, T shirt and slippers
Demeanour: Grumpy
Yeah, think I might win that one ;-)
Ken Eastty wrote:
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1 Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 16:24:47 +0000 (GMT) From: brian
>> coyne <g4odv at yahoo.co.uk> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Beru categories.
>> I enjoy taking part in Beru for the many reasons we see stated by all
>> of the participants but I cannot help feeling that I am operating in
>> a category where nothing can be achieved. ? This is not a whinge but
>> an attempt to draw attention to the anomaly of including low power
>> stations with a beam antenna in the 'open' section. The subject has
>> been raised before, I think the main rejecting reason given by the
>> committee was a reluctance to create further categories and
>> fragmentation of the result tables likened to the vhf contest results
>> tables.
>> ......... 73? Brian 5B4AIZ.
> I fully agree Brian, I guess that the majority of stations in the UK are
> you describe and these unless you live way out in the 'sticks' you're
> lucky to be able to erect anything better than wire dipoles or a vertical.
> Those of us who do manage to erect a small tri-band beam on a low mast
> must enter the Open category of BERU which puts us in the same league as
> the lucky few who have mono-banders for 40m & up bands at 60 ft + and 4
> Squares etc. for the lower bands.
> I won't bother to raise the question of why some of these UK stations
> find it necessary to use amplifiers with a capability of 1kW+. (I forgot
> that some people have very very long feeders!)
> There needs to be an 'unlimited' category for stations equipped like
> this, exactly where the the line is drawn might (?) be the subject of
> much discussion. I would also include any station possessing an
> amplifier with an O/P of more than 1kW regardless of antennas in this
> category, I note that there are those who seem to be reluctant to admit
> what amplifier they use, why would that be?
> 73....
> Ken
> IO81WV (5 other stations active in BERU within about a 1 mile radius
> might make this the most active area in the UK?)
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