Darrell G0HVQ g0hvq at talktalk.net
Mon Mar 30 01:57:32 PDT 2009

 Band    QSOs    Pts  WPX
   3.5      73     142   42
     7     178     472  124
    14     180     274  115
    21      34      86   21
 Total     465     974  302
Score: 294,148

Despite a similar number of QSOs to last year, score approx 10% down - low bands better, higher bands worse. However, I went 'non-assisted' this year so the lack of cluster to spot the mults affected the score, plus being awake for 22hrs before the contest didn't help.

Really struggled to work the US on both 20m and 40m this year. Bit of Sporadic E on 15m to EA/CT livened it up briefly. 40m not as good as I'd hoped, but QRM levels high.

Equip - Icom 7400, 100W, Hustler 4BTV (ground mounted with radials) & 80m dipole

Darrell G0HVQ

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