[UK-CONTEST] Vargarda Antennas & Domineering VHF ContestStations

Ron Price ron.price2 at virgin.net
Sat May 9 02:21:07 PDT 2009

David G4ASR wrote:

'Contests are NOT necessarily just for winning - or indeed for entering in a 
formal way.
They are a much needed way of increasing activity on the VHF/UHF/Microwave 
And that is the real reason why they are so important - and why the rules 
should (maybe) be pitched more at
increasing activity rather than the competitive aspects.'

I agree.
I have a chance of winning some VHF contests I enter, and over the years and 
have managed to win a few or been placed in the top three.
I still enter contests, VHF & HF, that I know I have little chance of 
winning just for the fun of taking part and for comparing my performance 
with previous attempts or with similar equiped stations.
You will find the same calls appearing in the middle of the results table 
year on year so obviously they must be getting some satisfaction from just 
taking part.
If we all adopted Gavin's attitude.....
'Surely you enter a competition to win, no other reason. If the winner is 
already decided before the contest has started purely down to his geographic 
location then what is the point of entering? ------'
 then the contest scene would collapse!


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