G3VDB (Jim) jimevans at g3vdb.com
Wed May 13 14:49:50 PDT 2009

> It would seem more efficient if K/KN was adhered to

Hmm - a useful point. I have removed k / kn from my macros on the basis that
a carrier fail on psk or rtty is a clear indication of "over", but I can see
the argument for putting them back in. Indeed it might explain how I came to
be the object of a call when I was calling another running station.

> which led to me doubling 

Not useful in data!

On the general point there seemed to be more "runners" than "riders" tonight
which meant I had a lot of unanswered CQ time in both modes.

And spending the first two minutes calling CQ on psk63 was a complete waste
of time!

-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Stewart Rolfe
Sent: 13 May 2009 22:32
To: UK Contest Reflector
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] CC Data

Quite enjoyed tonight's event - even the 20 or so psk contacts I managed.
It's quite weird receiving serials and not knowing how they translate to
points, keeps me from getting depressed by the big numbers.

One question regarding the use of K/KN in data. It would seem more efficient
if K/KN was adhered to as it should be in cw as it would be much easier to
know if it's ok to call when you drop onto the end of an exchange and see a
K on your screen. I would take this as ok to call as against a 'KN' but
several times 'K' was being sent as an invitation to a specific station
which led to me doubling.

73 thanks for the contacts,

Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF
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