[UK-CONTEST] May 2m Contest

Ray James gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Fri May 15 02:46:44 PDT 2009

--- On Fri, 15/5/09, John MacLean MMOCCC <mm0ccc at tiscali.co.uk> wrote:

> Further to Ray's message I'll be active in the contest from IO66OM (PA
> Postcode).  Square is semi-rare. I don't expect to work further than
> mainland UK, or maybe North West France.  If I can get internet connection by mobile phone I'll be lurking on DXCluster and ON4KST.

>Not expecting to have a competitive entry from that far north (South Coast G is 750-800Km) hence my KST use and checklog only.
> 73
> John MM0CCC

Good luck from Tiree John,
Your message is an absolutely perfect example why the CC decision to ban KST/Cluster use in RSGB VHF contests was seriously flawed.
Here you are, a CC member, travelling to a semi rare location at a cost of time and money and your remoteness and QTF to most operators deem KST/Cluster use a necessity to either arrange a schedule with no guarantee of success but certainly to experiment. In doing so you're not allowed to submit an entry to compete but forced to submit a check log if you use KST/DXC.

You should be entitled to submit a contest entry and only have points deducted plus a reprimand if you are observed exchanging information over non-radio means pertinent to assisting completion of a contact.
Alternatively, we should have an assisted or non-assisted category in which to enter. 

This is a ridiculous rule when VHF experimentation is penalised for the majority due to some unknown minority abusing KST or the Cluster.

It hasn't stopped me supporting RSGB events but I don't enter any RSGB 2m/70cm events now because I still prefer to experiment. Last Tuesday was a good example during the 70cm UK Activity Contest when I worked what GM's/G's I could hear but also worked a couple of OZ's, one of them being 880Km distant and the schedule arranged on KST. Considering the spectrum available to operate, the very narrow beamwidth of my antennas on 70cm, the fact he was  in the Nordic Activity Contest so would be looking OZ/LA/SM most of the time, we would never have known the path was open on 70cm so experimentation won the day. All required information was exchanged over the air.

73 Ray GM4CXM
Locator: IO75TW
Postcode: GS


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