[UK-CONTEST] May 2m Contest

DAVID BUTLER g4asr at btinternet.com
Sat May 16 01:57:36 PDT 2009

Ray GM4CXM said .....

The problem is that there is no consensus on this issue and little or no consultation made regarding how the UK VHF+ contest operating procedures either develop with new technologies or stay rooted in how things used to be done in the pre-DXC/KST days.
What is so difficult with giving UK VHF+ operators an assisted and non-assisted category and let the operator decide which suits them best?

Also, if arranging "challenging" schedules during a contest is so bad, why was the roof placed at 70cm and not all bands?
What makes it okay on 23cm, 13cm, 9cm, 6cm, 3cm but not okay on 70cm and 2m? 

David G4ASR replied .....
A good point Ray. I recall that the vhf/uhf/microwaves committee (C5) at the recent Cavtat IARU R1 conference were swayed by the many Eu Managers who suggested that 'KST was very helpful for microwave operation but less necessary at 144MHz & 432MHz. 

However as you say it is not difficult with giving operators an assisted and non-assisted category and let the operator decide whether to make a contact where call signs, locators and frequency are pre-determined on the 'telephone'  or to make a contact where *everything* is established by operator skill.         

Ray GM4CXM said .....

The frenchman who put forward a late proposal at Cavtat to ban the cluster/kst etc for ALL IARU contests VHF+ contests was proposing all frequencies but used RSGB's CC lead as an example. Am I right in suspecting he was told to return to a future meeting to bring a re-drafted proposal that didn't include frequencies above 70cm?!

It comes across as too few people or organisations making decisions on operators behalf without full consultation, not establishing the need for change or providing alternatives.  

David G4ASR replied .....

I suspect you are incorrect! 

All proposals (except the one from REF mentioned above!) are submitted with sufficient time to enable each Societies vhf/uhf/microwave/contest manager     
to discuss at a national level.  

In the UK all contest related papers are forwarded to the RSGB CC for discussion and comment and that is what occurred last year.

There is an 'interim' meeting of the IARU R1 vhf/uhf/microwaves committee scheduled for February 2010 (I think) where some contest related papers *might* be submitted.  Maybe they could be put on this reflector.  Of course - you will get mixed views - as can be seen re the discussion about 'KST!

73 David G4ASR 
VHF Manager, RSGB

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