[UK-CONTEST] Chat rooms was May 2m Contest

Mark G4PCS bulkcheck-ukctest at yahoo.co.uk
Sat May 16 02:16:06 PDT 2009

>>or ask any serious VHF+ DX-er what they consider to be the important 
>>tools of the trade. Really...

Paul 'IZR wrote:

>I shouldn't ask that question of all serious VHF+ DX-ers though as you 
>might not get the answer you expect.

Fair enough Paul... almost any. The users list in KST is a
nearly-complete who's-who, with a few rare exceptions such as yourself
:) But when combined with use of the DX-cluster, I don't think anyone
is missing? If they are, I admire their Zen!

>There is no doubt that making exact frequencies, locatorss and both 
>calls available to both ends of a link in real time makes for more ... 
>erm.. well lets call them QSO's.

See, this is the problem and will result in an inevitable cyclic
discussion. Why the "erm" and the "lets call them"? There's no doubt
that two stations being on the same frequency at the same time with
antenae pointing vaguely in the right directions is a big help in
completing a contact (!), but what part of the information required for
a QSO/contest exchange are you suggesting doesn't pass over the radio

Yes yes, I know that there are elements to contesting that should be
"random" (and using KST, etc wouldn't preclude that), but the point is
that KST is a well-respected, self-moderated tool used mostly by people
who have a high degree of integrity when it comes to completing a
radio-path QSO. The ironic thing is that its use would probably benefit
the smaller contest stations far more than the leaders: I agree with
John's earlier comment that, for a leading station (that "runs" at a
reasonable rate), KST can be more of a hinderance than a help.

>To me so many "successful" contacts would have failed without use of 
>loggers and chatrooms and that suggests that information passed via the 
>internet is assisting that qso, that doesn't sit well with me.

... if you take the pessimistic viewpoint, yes. But if you assume that
the reason those contacts were successful (no "quotes" required) was
because it enabled two stations cabable of completing the radio-path to
be on the same frequency at the same time, then what's wrong with that?
We all agree that sitting there saying "I've heard your roger-report
you just need to listen for my rogers" is inappropriate, but if that
were to happen the KST police (and there are plenty) would jump on it

>Regardless of increased activity, that has no place in a contest.

I agree 100%, "that" has no place.... but it doesn't mean "don't use KST".

Regards, Mark 'PCS

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