[UK-CONTEST] rules apply even when they can't always beenforced?

Ray James gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Wed May 20 14:28:53 PDT 2009

--- On Wed, 20/5/09, Paul O'Kane <pokane at ei5di.com> wrote:

> I am an amateur radio contester - I do not use any other
> communications system while contesting.  I tune up
> and down the bands and find stations to work all by myself,
> because that's what amateur radio contesters do.
> Otherwise, they would be called something else.

There is room in contesting to accommodate all interests and the way in which operators participate, if the sections permit. 
The fact that you prefer not to use the DXcluster system or any other similar potentially two way communication arrangement in contesting isn't necessarily everyone's wish so you are coming across as knocking everyone who does, be they HF or VHF+ operators, as tarnished if they do not imitate your particular modus operandi. 

Not the best way to persuade your position is the best and we should all follow you lead and go backwards.

73 Ray GM4CXM



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