[UK-CONTEST] rules apply even when they can't always beenforced?

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu May 21 04:28:58 PDT 2009

>> If, by the phrase "at the forefront of contest technology", 
>> you are saying you use other internet-based communications
>> systems while contesting
> No.

That's a surprise.  Here is someone -  

who, by his own admission, "is at the forefront of contest
technology, with the sole driving force of working DX".  

whose motivation for entering contests is or was "to work DX"

Who uses the ON4KST chatroom

Who admits that "making exact frequencies, locatorss and both
calls available to both ends of a link in real time makes for
more ...  erm.. well lets call them QSO's".

and who denies using internet-based communications systems
while contesting.


To avoid any doubt - that's a valid way to arrange or
facilitate QSOs for the purpose of working DX, but not
for SO entries (and possibly other categories) in RSGB

G4PCS says that "KST is a well-respected, self-moderated tool
used mostly by people who have a high degree of integrity when
it comes to completing a radio-path QSO." 

Once again, I see a few parallels with MPs - a well-respected,
self-moderated group of people who have a high degree of
integrity when it comes to completing expense claims.  :-)

Paul EI5DI

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