[UK-CONTEST] rules apply even when they can't always beenforced?

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu May 21 11:45:01 PDT 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jiri Culak" <jiriculak at aol.com>

> 1)  Where was last time youe entered VHF/UHF/SHF Contest?

Your question has no relevance to the issue in this thread.
As I said before - "you don't have to be an actor to be a

> 2)  "... the rules do not permit practices which I see as
> incompatible with retaining the name of the activity as
> "amateur radio contesting"....

>    Are you then saying then rest of IARU Region1 stations,
> permitted to use KST, are not contesters and shame on them

No, I'm saying that the use of KST in amateur radio contests
is incompatible with retaining the name of the activity as
"amateur radio contesting".  KST is an internet-based real-
time communications system.

>  and only EI/G are the true contesters?

You know I didn't say that.

> 3)  RSGB rules restrict use of SCP and databases too, and
> state "callsign, report and exchange" needs to be exchanged
> only via air on given band. So does it mean using log with
> facilities like locator database, callsign data from previous
> contests etc.is against rules?

The rules generally mean what they say, no more and no less.
They do not prohibit entrants from using logging software
with those facilities disabled.

> Why we have those features then?

You tell me - you probably have more experience of VHF
contests :-)  People like features in software, even if
they don't use them all. 

> 4)  If I ask you , would you rather be up for creating
> "VHF Vertical" category, or "SOA" category on VHF ?

Once again, your question has no relevance to the issue. 

> Looking forward for your answers and 73

Now you have them :-)

Paul EI5DI

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