[UK-CONTEST] 144mhz UKAC 3/11

Darrell G0HVQ g0hvq at talktalk.net
Thu Nov 5 13:56:38 PST 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve White" <g3zvw at talktalk.net>

> The rain static (S7 at times) didn't help. Only two GMs worked this time
> (usually its more) and no EIs (usually one or two) - but the weirdest 
> thing
> is that there seemed to be no activity at all from IO71, 72, 73, 74 or 75.

The last time I worked IO72 or IO73 on 2m was around 1986, when I had my old 
G1 call! There's a big gaping hole on my G0HVQ 2m squares worked map, 
despite loads of ones further afield:

Andy 'OEG, I think we got lucky: yourself, GPZ and JNJ were all big signals, 
as was GI4SNA, and some of the IO93 & IO94 stations, but that was at the 
very start of the night, when I usually beam north. I usually work GM4PPT 
but didn't hear him at all, nor GM4JR (was he on?). I think conditions were 
up and down a lot, although I do have a good take-off to the North from here 
(ground slopes away nicely). There was very little from the East Coast until 
PA1EWR popped up right at the end.

Just goes to show, it's always worth a look on VHF. Given the weather, I was 
convinced there was no chance of any tropo.

Darrell G0HVQ 

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