[UK-CONTEST] 2010 events calendar ?

Ray James gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Nov 20 06:04:20 PST 2009

--- On Fri, 20/11/09, Andy GD0TEP <andy at gd0tep.com> wrote:

> It'll not be long before it's 2010, so does anyone know
> where I can find a suitable contest events calendar for next year? I'm looking for specific dates for contests, not an actual calendar. 
> There's no link to next year on http://www.rsgbcc.org/vhf/ 

There is Andy.
You need to scroll down below the trophy picture and the 2010 link will be found.

No surprises. 
M2 remains for the UKACs.
Start/Finish times unchanged.
I just love S8 
S8. These contests are timed to co-incide with the last two hours of a number of European activity contests, with an extra half hour at the end to encourage intra UK activity. 
A number? There's only one and that's the Nordic Activity Contest in Skandanavia.
Very generous indeed to have half an hour to encourage intra UK activity in a UK Activity Contest. That would have gone had the start/finish time been brought forward!

"Participation in VHF/UHF contests continued to increase during 2009 and the UK activity contests in particular continued to gain popularity. The rules and format for the activity contests will therefore remain basically the same for 2010, with only few small changes. A UK station is now required to be at one end of each QSO"
When you look at the results the facts tell a different story.
Many of these "participants" are only entering for 1 or 2 contests out of 12 but the fact they've participated for one or two months is bloating the overall number. What it truly reflects is that a lot of operators gave it a go for a month or two, didn't like it so didn't bother again but leave CC with something to brag about despite not being a true reflection.
73 Ray GM4CXM


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