[UK-CONTEST] Key Clicks.

Mike Chamberlain g3wph at folly.demon.co.uk
Wed Nov 25 03:17:54 PST 2009

G3LDI wrote:
My other pet hate are those stations with key clicks that spread over 10kHz.
Just been listening to VK9XX and he was being called by ON7GB who was around
3kHz lower but his clicks were actually covering up VK9XX.   I found the
same in the contest too. There are still those with unmodded FT1000MP's,
Roger, thanks for bringing this topic up.  This is not just a European
problem, there were several UK stations on during last Saturdays RSGB 1.8
MHz contest who had serious click problems.  Besides the FT1000MP the Mk5
and also the FT1000D (I believe) have problems.

Simple modifications are documented at:
For the 1000D: http://www.w8ji.com/keyclicks_1000D.htm 
For the 1000MP http://www.w8ji.com/keyclick_mp.htm
For the Mk5:   http://www.w8ji.com/ft1000mk_v.htm 

I've personally modified both FT1000MPs and Mk5s - care is required, but not
difficult with the correct tools: magnifying headset, low power pointed bit
soldering iron, tweezers and solder braid). For those who feel nervous about
such modifications, I'm sure most clubs will have somebody with surface
mount PCM expertise.

Returning to the original discussion about CW sending speed on 160m - I'm
confident that in next weekend's CQWW key clicks will be a bigger problem
than QRN or QSB. My preference here will be for higher speed from the
station I'm trying to contact in the hope I can get call and report whilst
the clicking station is listening.

Mike - G3WPH

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