[UK-CONTEST] Windows PC's slow down Why?

Mark Marsden mm at plextek.co.uk
Thu Nov 26 04:50:51 PST 2009

Hi Alex

I can recommend CCleaner < http://www.ccleaner.com/> to tidy up the
registry and a whole lot of other useful housekeeping functions. 

73 Mark G4AXX

-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Alex GM3ZBE
Sent: 26 November 2009 12:43
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Windows PC's slow down Why?

I use a Dell Inspiron laptop as my shack and contest computer.
I've always noticed with my various Windows PC's in the past, that over 
a period of time (2 or 3 years) they slow down.  My Dell Inspiron is 
beginning to show the same symptoms.  Usually I resort to wiping the 
disk and starting again which solves the problem.  I am talking about a 
real slow down here not just a perception due to my icreasing 
expectations with the passage of time.  For example, a PC which was 
taking 4.5 mins to boot up reduced to 1.5 mins after redoing the disk 
and reloading all the software.  I'm told, by a non ham PC person, this 
is to do with the "Windows Registry becoming clogged".  I don't even 
really know what that means but is there any software around which can 
do something about the problem without resorting to re formatting disks 
and reloading software?

Alex, GM3ZBE

I run antivirus and anti malware s/ware and no virus or software 
problems are reported. Current O.S. is Windows XP Home.



Alex, GM3ZBE ~~~~~Kingdom of Fife~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Member of:
De Montfort University ARS,
Kingdom Amateur Radio Society (KARS)
GMDX Group, CDXC, Aberdeen ARS
Previous callsigns G3ZBE, GM8BYG,
holder of GM4BRN club call.
Cushcraft MA5B review http://www.sonikblue.co.uk/g3zbe/Ma5b.htm 
Remember..............It's only a hobby!

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