[UK-CONTEST] ://www.ccleaner.com/

Jerry Scarr jerryscarr at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 26 09:39:23 PST 2009

Ref   http://www.ccleaner.com/ as recommended by G4AXX ,  I would also 
recommend  C/C , plus using your defrag from time. to time.

Jerry G6LBL

> Cor!  You're a much braver man than me Paul :-)
> Alex
> Paul O'Kane wrote:
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Paul O'Kane" <pokane at ei5di.com>
>>> Would anyone like an impartial, unbiased and fearless
>>> key click report from tonight's Sprint?
>> I sent the following email to stations I identified
>> as having key clicks during the Sprint.
>> I could not find email addresses for two of the UK
>> stations concerned whose calls both ended in H.
>> ______________________________________
>>   There has been some discussion of key clicks on the
>>   uk-contest mailing list over the past few days.
>>   During the RSGB Sprint last night, I listened to
>>   participants and heard approximately 8 entrants
>>   with key clicks - and your call XXXXXX was one of
>>   them.
>>   This is an entirely subjective assessment, and I
>>   apologise if I'm exaggerating the problem.
>> ______________________________________
>> 73,
>> Paul EI5DI
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 12:42:57 +0000
> From: Alex GM3ZBE <alex at gm3zbe.plus.com>
> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Windows PC's slow down Why?
> To: "uk-contest at contesting.com" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
> Message-ID: <4B0E77D1.40409 at gm3zbe.plus.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi,
> I use a Dell Inspiron laptop as my shack and contest computer.
> I've always noticed with my various Windows PC's in the past, that over
> a period of time (2 or 3 years) they slow down.  My Dell Inspiron is
> beginning to show the same symptoms.  Usually I resort to wiping the
> disk and starting again which solves the problem.  I am talking about a
> real slow down here not just a perception due to my icreasing
> expectations with the passage of time.  For example, a PC which was
> taking 4.5 mins to boot up reduced to 1.5 mins after redoing the disk
> and reloading all the software.  I'm told, by a non ham PC person, this
> is to do with the "Windows Registry becoming clogged".  I don't even
> really know what that means but is there any software around which can
> do something about the problem without resorting to re formatting disks
> and reloading software?
> Thanks
> Alex, GM3ZBE
> I run antivirus and anti malware s/ware and no virus or software
> problems are reported. Current O.S. is Windows XP Home.
> -- 
> -- 
> Alex, GM3ZBE ~~~~~Kingdom of Fife~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Member of:
> De Montfort University ARS,
> Kingdom Amateur Radio Society (KARS)
> GMDX Group, CDXC, Aberdeen ARS
> Previous callsigns G3ZBE, GM8BYG,
> holder of GM4BRN club call.
> Cushcraft MA5B review http://www.sonikblue.co.uk/g3zbe/Ma5b.htm
> Remember..............It's only a hobby!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 12:50:51 -0000
> From: "Mark Marsden" <mm at plextek.co.uk>
> Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Windows PC's slow down Why?
> To: "Alex GM3ZBE" <alex at gm3zbe.plus.com>, <uk-contest at contesting.com>
> Message-ID:
> <8C9A6B7580601F4FBDC0ED4C1D6A9B1D02952893 at plextek3.plextek.lan>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Hi Alex
> I can recommend CCleaner < http://www.ccleaner.com/> to tidy up the
> registry and a whole lot of other useful housekeeping functions.
> 73 Mark G4AXX
> -----Original Message-----
> From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Alex GM3ZBE
> Sent: 26 November 2009 12:43
> To: uk-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Windows PC's slow down Why?
> Hi,
> I use a Dell Inspiron laptop as my shack and contest computer.
> I've always noticed with my various Windows PC's in the past, that over
> a period of time (2 or 3 years) they slow down.  My Dell Inspiron is
> beginning to show the same symptoms.  Usually I resort to wiping the
> disk and starting again which solves the problem.  I am talking about a
> real slow down here not just a perception due to my icreasing
> expectations with the passage of time.  For example, a PC which was
> taking 4.5 mins to boot up reduced to 1.5 mins after redoing the disk
> and reloading all the software.  I'm told, by a non ham PC person, this
> is to do with the "Windows Registry becoming clogged".  I don't even
> really know what that means but is there any software around which can
> do something about the problem without resorting to re formatting disks
> and reloading software?
> Thanks
> Alex, GM3ZBE
> I run antivirus and anti malware s/ware and no virus or software
> problems are reported. Current O.S. is Windows XP Home.
> -- 
> -- 
> Alex, GM3ZBE ~~~~~Kingdom of Fife~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Member of:
> De Montfort University ARS,
> Kingdom Amateur Radio Society (KARS)
> GMDX Group, CDXC, Aberdeen ARS
> Previous callsigns G3ZBE, GM8BYG,
> holder of GM4BRN club call.
> Cushcraft MA5B review http://www.sonikblue.co.uk/g3zbe/Ma5b.htm
> Remember..............It's only a hobby!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> _______________________________________________
> UK-Contest mailing list
> UK-Contest at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/uk-contest
> ========================================================
> Plextek Limited
> Registered Address: London Road, Great Chesterford, Essex, CB10 1NY, UK
> Company Registration No. 2305889
> VAT Registration No. GB 918 4425 15
> Tel: +44 1799 533 200. Fax: +44 1799 533 201 Web: http://www.plextek.com
> Electronics Design and Consultancy
> ========================================================
> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 12:45:45 +0000
> From: David Gould <dave at g3ueg.co.uk>
> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] CW Sending speed
> To: uk-contest at contesting.com
> Message-ID:
> <20091126125112.ZSDG22934.aamtaout04-winn.ispmail.ntl.com at g3ueg.g3ueg.co.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
> An interesting thread.
> I think CW is an excellent and efficient mode, I would like to use it
> more than I do, the trouble is I find it difficult, so I don't use it
> very often and am one of the "upper teens" brigade.  I have taken
> part in AFS and had a go at getting all 12 band-slots for GB5HQ a few
> years ago. I will be steering clear of CQWW this weekend.
> I completely understand the situation of the high-speed, highly
> competitive group who need to maintain their rate, and of this group,
> those that have contributed here are generally those at the top of
> the operating skill spectrum and will slow down when
> appropriate.  Unfortunately there are a lot who are not as
> skillful/thoughtful/considerate.    My approach is to only call a
> faster station after they have made several unanswered CQ calls, so
> there is very little risk of my action jeopardising their rate.   I
> have also called CQ in the AFS QRS corral and still been called at
> very high speed.
> This next bit is relating only to the lower-speed group - say the
> teens and low-twenties.  (I am sure that there are many operators who
> send, say, in the thirties, but can receive faster).   For this
> lower-speed group my assumption is that CW reception capability is
> generally the limiting factor.  Also it is likely that some of the
> sending is automated anyway.   Somebody made a comment that they
> would slow down (if not running a high rate) only if they got a
> "QRS"    So an important question is this:-  are many people (again
> in the lower-speed group) likely to send slower than they can
> receive?    The reason I ask this is that I have always thought that
> replying to a faster station at a slower speed was an **implicit**
> request to QRS rather than having to waste time asking
> specifically.  Obviously this assumption falls down if there are
> indeed people (again stressing the lower-speed group) who can receive
> faster than they send.    I myself would always be keen to send as
> fast as I could reasonably receive.
> So, for the people who send in the teens and low-twenties area,  does
> anyone consciously send slower than they can receive?  And if so why?
> 73,
> Dave, G3UEG
> ------------------------------
> Message: 9
> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 13:23:42 +0000
> From: Ian Maude <ian at gb7mbc.net>
> Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Windows PC's slow down Why?
> To: uk-contest at contesting.com
> Message-ID:
> <d74929a00911260523v3602affeua3640b4091ca3a63 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> There are lots of reasons why a machine might slow down.  Assuming no
> hardware faults and speed perception some of the common issues are...
> Fragmentation (easily solved with either the built in defrag tool or
> defraggler)
> Registry issues (CCleaner is excellent)
> Spyware/Malware (Malwarebytes and Spybot(without teatimer!)
> Temporary files etc (These can be cleaned out with the inbuilt tool or 
> with
> CCleaner)
> Some security tools (Norton and the one from Talk Talk spring to mind!)
> You can also get issues the the prefetch catalogue getting corrupted but
> this is more of an advanced fix :)
> In order then
> Malwarebytes (quick scan)
> Spybot
> CCleaner (registry and disc clean)
> Defrag
> Restart your machine and hopefully you should see an improvement in speed.
> If you have Nortons on, you will need the Norton Removal Tool from 
> Symantec
> to remove it successfully.
> I suggest AVG as a good replacement.
> I hope this helps
> 73 Ian
> -- 
> Ian J Maude, G0VGS
> SysOp GB7MBC & HB9DRV-9 DX Clusters
> Member RSGB, GQRP 9838, FISTS 14077 | K3 #455
> http://www.amateurradiotraining.org
> 2009/11/26 Mark Marsden <mm at plextek.co.uk>
>> Hi Alex
>> I can recommend CCleaner < http://www.ccleaner.com/> to tidy up the
>> registry and a whole lot of other useful housekeeping functions.
>> 73 Mark G4AXX
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
>> [mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Alex GM3ZBE
>> Sent: 26 November 2009 12:43
>> To: uk-contest at contesting.com
>> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Windows PC's slow down Why?
>> Hi,
>> I use a Dell Inspiron laptop as my shack and contest computer.
>> I've always noticed with my various Windows PC's in the past, that over
>> a period of time (2 or 3 years) they slow down.  My Dell Inspiron is
>> beginning to show the same symptoms.  Usually I resort to wiping the
>> disk and starting again which solves the problem.  I am talking about a
>> real slow down here not just a perception due to my icreasing
>> expectations with the passage of time.  For example, a PC which was
>> taking 4.5 mins to boot up reduced to 1.5 mins after redoing the disk
>> and reloading all the software.  I'm told, by a non ham PC person, this
>> is to do with the "Windows Registry becoming clogged".  I don't even
>> really know what that means but is there any software around which can
>> do something about the problem without resorting to re formatting disks
>> and reloading software?
>> Thanks
>> Alex, GM3ZBE
>> I run antivirus and anti malware s/ware and no virus or software
>> problems are reported. Current O.S. is Windows XP Home.
>> --
>> --
>> Alex, GM3ZBE ~~~~~Kingdom of Fife~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Member of:
>> De Montfort University ARS,
>> Kingdom Amateur Radio Society (KARS)
>> GMDX Group, CDXC, Aberdeen ARS
>> Previous callsigns G3ZBE, GM8BYG,
>> holder of GM4BRN club call.
>> Cushcraft MA5B review http://www.sonikblue.co.uk/g3zbe/Ma5b.htm
>> Remember..............It's only a hobby!
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> _______________________________________________
>> UK-Contest mailing list
>> UK-Contest at contesting.com
>> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/uk-contest
>> ========================================================
>> Plextek Limited
>> Registered Address: London Road, Great Chesterford, Essex, CB10 1NY, UK
>> Company Registration No. 2305889
>> VAT Registration No. GB 918 4425 15
>> Tel: +44 1799 533 200. Fax: +44 1799 533 201 Web: http://www.plextek.com
>> Electronics Design and Consultancy
>> ========================================================
>> _______________________________________________
>> UK-Contest mailing list
>> UK-Contest at contesting.com
>> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/uk-contest
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> UK-Contest mailing list
> UK-Contest at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/uk-contest
> End of UK-Contest Digest, Vol 83, Issue 35
> ****************************************** 

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