[UK-CONTEST] CW Sending speed

Stewart Rolfe gw0etf at btinternet.com
Fri Nov 27 00:52:50 PST 2009

--- On Thu, 26/11/09, Steve Knowles <g3ufy at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:

> Things only get pressured if you're running.  If you
> should choose NOT to 
> use your computer to send your CW (other than for CQs) but
> use the key 
> instead, you would find YOURSELF in control of your
> station, and not your 
> computer.  You'll be concentrating on remembering the
> incoming callsign - if 
> you get all the letters, FB (if not you'll be sending AGN
> or QRZ).  If you 
> can type in the letters as they arrive - no problem. 
> But even if not, you 
> can start your return over immediately on the key (being
> very professional 
> and slick, 'cos the call is in your head!) and you get a
> second opportunity 
> to type the letters in as you SEND the guy's callsign and
> exchange.
> When operating S&P I get really annoyed at that gap
> (sometimes several 
> seconds long) while the other station types my callsign
> into his computer 
> and hits <return>.  You don't know whether to
> call again because you didn't 
> get through the pileup, or to continue to wait 'cos he's
> slow!


I, and I'm sure many, many others simply take advantage of the software at our disposal. That way you can use 'type ahead' (with Enter Sends Message mode)....hear the call and get the first couple of characters in the box while he/she is still sending. If you're not fast enough on the keyboard and haven't filled the full call when he 'hands over' just press <enter> (or much better the footswitch) and fill in the rest of the call while the first part of the call is actually being sent.

I'm certainly no touch typist but know where the keys of the keyboard are and this seems all quite easy and natural now. I feel in control 'cos I always have the paddle to get me out of the (many) unplanned situations that occur.

Pretty sure most here will know all this already so apologies if I'm not saying anything new. For those trying out cw contesting for the first time though it might explain how some running stations come back instantaneously with a call with no detectable pause and you sit there thinking "How does he do that??"


Stewart, GW0ETF

Hoping to be GW6W SB/15M if I can get the antenna up in the rain/mud

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