[UK-CONTEST] Windows PC's slow down Why? (Alex GM3ZBE)

Tony Bettley tony.ldl at ntlworld.com
Sun Nov 29 02:42:36 PST 2009

I have had the same problem at various times and my son, who is a PC pro,
has usually done the disc wipe trick and "rebuilt" the machine.  This of
course takes a while and one usually ends up struggling to find drivers and
the like.

More recently I have tried various Registry Cleaner devices with some
success and CC is one of those and did have some degree of success.

However, recently my machine went into "pull your hair out" slow down mode
and I remembered seeing a suggestion on the DXLab reflector to try a free
utility called "Advanced System Care".

So I did just that and I have to say that my machine is now running the best
it has run for a long time with lots of the little niggles having


That's what I have found worked for my machine so it might be worth a look
at as well as some of the other Registry Cleaners.


73s de Tony G4LDL

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