PJMServices pete at pjmservices.co.uk
Thu Oct 1 13:30:14 PDT 2009

Hi  All

            Does anyone have an "idiots guide to SD" because although I don't think I am stupid ( others do !) I am having difficulty trying to do a couple of things with it.

1. When you use it after the contest you type in POST and have to put the date in the box , then what do you press next ? to get back to the logging program.

Found a way round this by entering all the info and then using SDCHECK and altering all the dates and times in that. Not a good way but it worked.

2. Made a CAbrillo file and it then says you have to change it to URCALL.LOG............ how do you do this ?

It may be obvious but unfortunately not to me.

Can anyone help please.

73 de Pete. G4GSA.

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