[UK-CONTEST] Oceania Contest - Any Thoughts?

Phil VK4BAA philhss at tesco.net
Mon Oct 5 18:23:22 PDT 2009

Ladies / Gentlemen,

The Oceania Contest took place at the weekend. From this part of the world it was a hoot - but I'm curious as to the viewpoint from Blighty. I'm not one of the organisers, I'm just chewing things over in my head....

Did you participate in the Oceania Contest?

Is the contest a highlight of the contesting calendar for you?

Is the contest seen as something worth a dabble?

Is the contest viewed as 'Too hard due to band conditions?'

Is it seen as a chance to work some DX?

Maybe the contest is seen as not worth bothering with as the perception is that there aren't many Oceania stations to work (and they're all you're allowed to work) so it gets a bit boring?

How could the contest be altered to encourage you to participate?

There were quite a few EU stations on this weekend but many of the serial numbers I received were 001 of thereabouts which makes me think that not many EU stations 'participate' as such but dip their toes into the contest if a bit of DX raises its head?

Have I got the wrong impression? It wouldn't be the first time that's for sure!

Many thanks for your indulgence and thanks for the QSOs. The bands weren't in the best of shape, but the pile-up on 80m was great fun at this end!

Cheers & 73,

Phil Smeaton

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