[UK-CONTEST] Tragic Accident - C6APR CQWW Team

Ray James gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Oct 23 01:00:45 PDT 2009

This has just appeared from the Make More Miles on VHF bulletin

Tragic Accident - C6APR:

It is with great sadness that I have to inform the community of a 
tragic accident this morning at 630am EST. The C6APR team, consisting
of Pete, W2GJ, Ed, K3IXD, Randy K4QO and Dallas W3PP were all killed
this morning as their aircraft crashed on take-off from Summerville
Airport, SC on their way to Crooked Island, Bahamas. They were on 
their way to operate in the CQWW contest this weekend. Our thoughts
are with their families in this tragic time! More as it made available!
SOURCE: Paul, NN4F via I.C.P.O. UPDATE  The Team of MMMonVHF will pass 
our deep sympathy and condolences to his family. Rest in peace...

Sad news indeed ..RIP


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