Andy Swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Tue Oct 27 04:34:23 PDT 2009

>>> On 26/10/2009 at 16:22, in message
<E5075651BB374549BF3A65B591FA4F3D at Housedell>, "Ian & Steph Fugler (G4IIY)"
<zen90387 at zen.co.uk> wrote:
> Perhaps we should give him some positive feedback to encourage him to 
> continue?  The site did seem to be missed for the short time that it was 
> down (well, out of date).

I would have hoped that some others will also have done that, I already have.

I did wonder at the logic of putting Octobers calender up after the last weekend had passed, but maybe it had to be there to keep the sequence.   Just hoping that the subsequent months appear


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