Steve Knowles g3ufy at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Oct 27 17:35:05 PDT 2009

I don't really like SSB contests, but I'm glad I had a dabble this year!
           160      80     40     20     15     10     Total
Qs        15      61     67     42    101     61      347
Pts       14      60     79     66     223    83      525
Mults    12      31     39     31      60     30      203

for a score of 106,575.

Rig:  FT817 - 5W QRP

Great fun, even though the FT817 RX is not the best in the world - had the IPO and the attenuator in all the time and still had problems with strong signals.  And 5W just doesn't cut it on the Zoo bands!  Lack of sunlight meant I had to augment the solar charger with mains electrickery - shame!  Operating time further curtailed by XYL's 60th birthday dinner Saturday evening and need to watch LA Angels vs NY Yankees on Sunday!

Steve  G3UFY

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