[UK-CONTEST] Age of contesters

Clive Whelan clive.whelan at btinternet.com
Mon Sep 7 02:56:27 PDT 2009


I did  a similar thing in the CW leg some years ago, and a JA did the 
same concurrently, the results of which were published informally on the 
CQ contest reflector. I doubt that much has changed in the interim, and 
the very big difference then was that the Asian age profile was much 
lower than the RoW, which in itself was probably heavily weighted by the 

There seems little doubt that the age profile in " developed" countries 
is much higher than in others, and my own observations in e.g. the 
recent EuHFC event ( CW only I think, and reporting the year of 
licencing which is slightly different of course)  confirm that this is 
the case within Europe itself. e.g. I believe that the population of 
Slovenia and Wales is about the same, but even from within GW I probably 
hear >10 times more S5s than GWs which is a source of some sadness.

The reasons for this are beyond the scope of this discussion of course.

The bottom line I think is that whilst you might be the perfect age for 
a contester in Asia, you are just tooooo young for Europe and may need 
to wait a few years until you achieve OAP ( OF?) status which I did a 
year or so back ;-)



Chris Tran GM3WOJ wrote:
> Hello all
> This has been discussed before, but might still be of interest. I made 280 
> QSOs in the All Asia SSB contest at the weekend, using the callsign GA2MP 
> (the GA2 prefix creates an instant pile-up on any band)  Most of the QSOs 
> were with JA, BY etc...
> Here is the age breakdown :
> 1 x Teen (UA9QCZ age 15)
> 5 x 20s
> 15 x 30s
> 58 x 40s
> 89 x 50s
> 88 x 60s
> 20 x 70s
> 1 x 80s (JA2AN age 83)
> Average age = 55.5 years
> Not a particularly scientific study, but my conclusion is that at age 58 I 
> am exactly the right age for contesting !
> 73
> Chris
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