[UK-CONTEST] RSGB Propagation predictions

G3RAU at aol.com G3RAU at aol.com
Fri Sep 11 04:31:15 PDT 2009

The Propagation Predictions published in Radcom, 
and online, by Gwyn G4FKH have moved to a new URL
>From the end of this month the old URL which was
is discontinued and the new URL is now live at
If you experience difficulty reading the columns,
particularly if you use AOL as a browser, 
try using Internet Explorer where it works correctly.
Two other things, if you click on the page data will 
appear in graphical form, and secondly:
Down at the bottom are predictions for current 
DXpeditions based on what a well equipped serious
dxer would expect to work, (not 100w to a dipole). 
Any questions direct to Gwyn pse 
_G4FKH at btinternet.com_ (mailto:G4FKH at btinternet.com) 
Derek G3RAU

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