[UK-CONTEST] Fw: 2 contest announcements for you
Steve Knowles
g3ufy at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Sep 24 15:39:10 PDT 2009
I am continually adjured to keep an open mind and to welcome innovation.
Well - Contesting via the Internet would appear to have arrived.
Forwarded for your information.
Steve G3UFY
----- Original Message -----
From: Harry Brown
To: secretary at rsgbcc.org
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:48 PM
Subject: 2 contest announcements for you
Hi there,
Trippy, ac8ep here.
I thought I'd drop you an email with 2 contest announcements for your members!
I hope to work you all in January in the 2 contests, or, sooner!!
Trippy, ac8ep
cq100 sweep steaks
sponsored by: Trippy Brown, ac8ep
starts 2300z January 1, 2010
ends 2300z January 3, 2010
classes: phone, cw, or mixed
modes: CW, phone
bands: the cq100 bands, of 80, 75, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters
work stations once per mode per band.
to read about cq100, and to download the software, go to
classes: single op, single station
exchange: qso number, precedent, (the only precedent will be d, your call sign, the check, that is the last 2 digits of the year you were first licensed, and your section (US stations, give your state. Canadian stations, give your province. dx stations your country.
qso points: 1 point per qso, for example, 50 qsos equals 50 points.
multipliers: there will be no multipliers.
score: total number of qsos equals total qso points, for example, 500 qsos equals 500 points.
deadline date for submitting logs: February 1, 2010.
email address to send logs to: wd8oep2464(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
log format: can be in cabrillo, must be in plain text, or you may use Word, or WordPad not excel. Before starting your log, please just put the total number of qsos on the top of your entry, for example total number of qsos, 1200
Will print logs be accepted? Yes, but only done on a printer, not hand written.
The reason I'm being very specific about logs is, I'm blind and can only read plain text files, or files printed out on a printer through my scanner.
address for sending print logs to: Harry Brown
2631 Krafft Rd
Apt 211
Port Huron, Mi. 48060
The top winner will receive a very nice cq100 Sweep steaks first place trophy, plaque, or coffee mug.
VE/W contest announcement
contest name: VE/W contest
sponsor: Trippy Brown, ac8ep
starts 2300z January 29, 2010
ends 2300z January 31, 2010
classes: single station single op
modes: CW, phone, mixed
bands: 80, 75, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters, (on hf and those same bands on cq100 as well).
To read about and download the cq100 software please go to
exchange: US stations give qso number, and state. Canadian stations give qso number, and province
qso points: 1 point per qso, for example, 500 qsos equals 500 qso points.
multipliers: there will be no multipliers in this contest.
score: total number of qsos equal total number of points, for example, 1000 qsos equals 1000 points.
log submission deadline date: February 25, 2010
email address for sending logs to: wd8oep2464(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
log format: can be in Cabrillo, but must be in plain text, or in word format, not excel.
print logs: print logs will be accepted, but only done on a printer, not hand written.
note--Please put the total number of qsos on the top of the log, before starting the log.
The reason I'm specific about the log format is, I'm blind and have to be able to read your log.
address for sending printed logs to: Harry Brown
2631 Krafft Rd
Apt 211
Port Huron, Mi. 48060
The winner of the contest will receive a very nice VE/W contest winner coffee mug, plaque, or trophy!
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