[UK-CONTEST] CQ-100 et al
Dave Sergeant
dave at davesergeant.com
Mon Sep 28 01:48:39 PDT 2009
On 28 Sep 2009 at 8:12, Bob Henderson wrote:
> Pressures upon our HF spectrum allocation have always been high but
> never so high as they are today. The PLT/PLA lobby continue to focus
> huge resources upon persuading the regulatory authorities that services
> currently allocated HF spectrum can be better accommodated elsewhere.
> They argue the needs of the radio amateur community would be better
> served through the internet. What do they know of our great passion?
> Almost nothing! However, this hasn't prevented their superficial and
> commercially biased analysis from gaining significant support.
Firstly I agree entirely with Bob's comments. I am puzzled in what
people see in CQ100. It is not amateur radio in any sense and I have no
interest in going that way no matter how bad the amateur bands become.
On PLT, as many of you know I have a short page on this and other EMC
issues at http://www.davesergeant.com/qrp/emc.htm - not updated for a
while but points out the problems fairly well. This morning when
looking at my web statistics I was a bit puzzled to see around 200
accesses from a very obscure address which turned out to be a gaming
forum - http://www.decerto-esports.eu/showthread.php?t=13825
It seems one of the posters there had stolen my picture of the Comtrend
PLT adaptor and linked to it in his posting to extol the virtues of
these horrible things - presumably not having read what my website
actually said. OK, I am perhaps not totally innocent here, as I found
that image elsewhere on the web, but at least I had the sense to make a
local copy of it, rather than linking to the original, and not stealing
other people's traffic.
I have done a little change so that people visiting my page still see
the right image. But the one that appears on their forum has been
replaced, currently with a simple one that says 'Image deleted'. I am
open to suggestions of a suitable replacement image that gets our point
across to these guys, without risk of any recriminations of course. I
guess since it is in a forum that post will stay there for
73 Dave G3YMC
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