Robin Thompson robin at g3tkf.co.uk
Sun Apr 25 02:09:17 PDT 2010

It would seem there have been several NATO exercises over the last week ...
hopefully they have now gone away ?

Interesting that NATO should use a similar frequency for their DATA stuff as
suggested by IARU - someone with an odd sense of humour perhaps !?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:uk-contest-
> bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Roger Cooke
> Sent: 24 April 2010 20:38
> To: uk-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] QRM = Stanag
> Hi Y'all.
>    Following a long conversation with Chris Cummings, G4BOH, regarding
> intruders, it looks
> as though we have identified that awful noise on 3580.  It belongs to
> the military and they
> obviously have precedence on 80 metres over us, so they can dump this
> stuff on any frequency
> they choose. It is a form of multi-75 Baud data transmission called
> Stanag 4285. Stanag is an
> anagram for Standardised Agreement. This means that this is used by all
> NATO countries and
> there are dozens of them all over the place. Google Stanag 4285 if you
> are interested and you
> will find lots of references. In particular, this one on Utube shows
> just the noise that I am getting
> here.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUeTE21RUMM
>   I have just checked again ( Saturday at 2030 ) and it is still there.
> Apparently it will stay there
> 24/7 until this latest NATO excercise is over.
>    Anyway, the confusing part to me is the fact that I could not copy
> ANY PSK transmissions,
> well just one, although I could hear them THROUGH this data
> transmission. If you look at the
> waterfall in MMVARI, you will see there are what appear to be carriers
> every 50Hz and they
> spread about 10kHz.
>   I am also copying this to the UK contest reflector, as I have had
> quite a generous response
> on there to my GOM rambling! Interestingly enough, some were able to
> copy the PSK, whereas
> some were unable to. I shall do some tests with MMVARI tonight to see
> what I can do in the
> peace of a "no-contest" situation.  Also, some were unable to hear it
> at all, in fact one station
> said what a wonderful evening it was! It was b....y gruesome down here
> near Norwich.
>   Thanks for the responses and although the noise is still there at S-9
> + 15 here, I have been
> assured that it will go as soon as this "excercise" is over.
> 73 de Roger, G3LDI
> Regards from Roger, G3LDI
> Swardeston, Norfolk.
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