Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Sun Aug 1 02:01:53 PDT 2010

On 1 Aug 2010 at 9:46, Don Beattie wrote:

> Two stations regrettably could not send their post code twice the same -
> a case for computer logging if ever I heard one

Not referring to me I hope Don...

I must admit that this event is one of those where computer sent 
exchanges would score. Old fobey me always uses hand keying, on the 
basis that I have much more control of the sending. But some of those 
postcodes were right tongue twisters and I admit I had problems sending 
a few, especially with the deliberately introduced errors in some of 
the received ones.

35 QSOs here, reasonable for QRP at this time of day. Had some problems 
when a local TV turned on half way through, otherwise enough to keep me 

For a change I did not have to rush off to church right at the end. I 
am about to disappear off to Worcester for a pub lunch to celebrate my 
brother's ruby wedding, so a convenient way to start the day.

73 Dave G3YMC


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