Sun Aug 1 09:49:03 PDT 2010

Hi All
I was not trained in CW in military (great pity) but learn't when working  
for Marconi also when working for Cable and wireless.
I HAD to take morse test in order to even use CW (I wanted to work DX on  
2m) but my CW skills are now only just adequate, getting old and fingers not  
working too well.  
My building skills also are well past it as well.  
Just enjoy the hobby and work what comes I am always happy to work anybody  
forget elitism, I just wish I could get out and walk up a mountain again , 
( no  I don't if I am really honest ) to much trouible these days as can't 
walk very  far!
Must admit the lack of CW examination though makes it difficult as some  
stations who cannot use CW make it harder to complete QSO. 
Regards to all Bryn G4DEZ 

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