Bob Henderson bob at 5b4agn.net
Sat Aug 7 22:25:06 PDT 2010

My experience with VHF contesting ended in the 70s when I concluded success
to be 90% location and 10% talent.

That I reached this conclusion doesn't prevent me wishing well to those who
view it differently.

Vive la difference.

Surely we are mature enough to coexist without feeling the need to diminish
the value of each others pursuits?

I have enjoyed a rich and varied life and consider myself most fortunate in
that I continue to do so.  My activities as an HF contester have long been a
significant part of it.

If VHF and above floats your boat, do it.

Bob, 5B4AGN

On 8 August 2010 00:17, <BCSLLEWELLYN at aol.com> wrote:

> Never seen you in any VHF contest.
> I have won contests from  GM and many different parts of G.
> I still maintain that VHF contests require much more skill than HF contests
>  (except maybe those using CW only).
> Get a life
> Bryn G4DEZ
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