[UK-CONTEST] RSGB Contest Committee

Roger Cooke g3ldi at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Aug 12 08:07:21 PDT 2010

Hi Peter and David.

  No, I was deadly serious!  No joking. I think it would make for an interesting 
little contest. I am quite stale with
straight keying now so would also be due for some practice. However, since it is 
the most basic means of Morse
and radio communications, why not?   I do concede the logging part however. It 
would prove far too much work
for some poor soul to go through paper logs, BUT the computer should ONLY be 
used for logging. 

  Peter, no semi-automatic bugs, side-swipers, or the like, just a pure straight 
key. Mine is due for a clean!!
  It would probably be best with Sprint type rules, REAL reports too, not 
everybody will be 5nn, sorry 599
Not sure about cut numbers, that would be up to the contest committee. 

 Regards from Roger, G3LDI
Swardeston, Norfolk.

From: "David Ferrington, M0XDF" <M0XDF at Alphadene.co.uk>
To: Roger Cooke <g3ldi at yahoo.co.uk>
Cc: uk-contest at contesting.com; "Chairman, RSGB Contest Committee" 
Sent: Thu, 12 August, 2010 15:33:26
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] RSGB Contest Committee

I'd go with using a straight key (if I could) and proper reports, but forget the 
no PC logging bit, since how would you provide your log? I don't think the 
committee would want paper logs.
I'd also say no PC keying, everything keyed by hand, but not sure how we could 
support those with a disability which prevents them using a straight key or even 
a paddle?

And if you were joking, a SKN with a QRS coral is a really good idea.

73 de M0XDF
On 12 Aug 2010, at 15:19, Roger Cooke wrote:

> Hi Ed.
>   One event I would very much like to see added to the RSGB calendar is a 
> Straight Key Night  (SKN). 
> This would sort out the men from the boys! No PC logging, proper reports, paper 
> logging.........
> (   NOT 24 hours though!!!!!!! )

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