David G3YYD g3yyd at btinternet.com
Fri Aug 13 00:03:06 PDT 2010

  For those who want a good old days contest why not make it valves only 
for electronics or better still spark and coherer using motor-generator 
sets from the DC main supply as per the 1910s.

Personally think it is a silly idea to have a SKN if you want to use a 
SK do that in a normal contest. A lot of the guys I work using SK send 
terrible morse and many with mechanical "bug" keys send almost 
unreadable morse. Gave my SK away decades ago to a guy learning to pass 
the 12 WPM test for Class A ticket and have not wanted to use one since 
- Iambic and keyboard for me.

David G3YYD

On 12/08/2010 19:40, tim hague wrote:
> What an excellent idea, I have a beautiful 1920's straight key made by A
> Mason of Belmont Surrey (phone Sutton 348), what a reason to get it off
> the mantle piece!, how about a 10W power limit as well??, really sort
> the men from the boys.
> Tim M0AFJ
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