[UK-CONTEST] Antenna for SSB field day

Andy Swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Fri Aug 13 07:52:02 PDT 2010

>>> On 13/08/2010 at 01:01, in message
<BLU0-SMTP65CE1C78DE7A40C15CB2B0C6980 at phx.gbl>, Callum
MØMCX<callum at mccormick.uk.com> wrote:
> Rob, you are right. Terry (G4MKP) and I knocked up a very
> fan dipole for 40, 20, 15 and 10 for his 5B4 holiday. 

wouldn't the 40m dipole and the 15m dipole fight?   A 40m dipole is
itself resonant on 15  as a 3/2 wave dipole.  Or are you meaning you
actually only had 3 dipoles (40, 20 and 10) for the four bands?


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