[UK-CONTEST] Antenna for SSB field day

Andy Summers g4kno.mail at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 10:15:48 PDT 2010

  Good luck to anyone who manages to get a 5-band log-periodic into the 
air - and turn it! But seriously, I think even the most obtuse would 
realise that isn't a 'single element' antenna. It's in the vernacular to 
talk about, say, a 10-ele log-periodic.

Regarding the supports, have you noticed that the rules only say the 
antenna must be 15m max, not the supports?

Thanks to Ed, by the way, for the clarification. Sorry to have stirred 
things up a bit outside the official channels I was pursuing, but I 
couldn't help but reply to the very same questions I'd been asking.

This is what we used last year, for the curious...

Sadly, it's looking unlikely we'll be on in SSBFD this year, at least 
not with a serious effort.

Andy, G4KNO.

On 13/08/10 14:52, Andy Cowley wrote:
> And the next development from the fan-dipole is of course the
> log periodic. I'd be interested to see how the rules distinguish
> between them. With great difficulty I suspect, as they are
> essentially the same thing.
> I would prefer to see a single wire element (i.e. no fan dipoles)
> but allow three supports so that the centre of a doublet could
> have the ATU supported at the feed point. Currently the rules
> forbid this so ladder-line must be used or one end just pulled
> out as far as possible, without a raised support.
> 73
> Andy, M1EBV
> andy.cowley at uwe.ac.uk
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