[UK-CONTEST] Operating a 24 hour contest and staying awake?

David G3YYD g3yyd at btinternet.com
Mon Aug 30 14:37:42 PDT 2010


You may be one of the lucky 20% of the population, who can stay awake 
for greater than 24 hours and are still able to concentrate and make 
good decisions. The other 80% of us are not so lucky and having been 
awake so long do not perform very well. We have to do some kipping to 
keep us in top form.

So a key question is are you one of the minority 20% or the majority 
80%? Finding out which you are will decide how you handle it. I suspect 
because you are asking the question you are in the majority.

73 David G3YYD

On 30/08/2010 21:02, Keith Maton wrote:
> I'm shortly going to be pulling a full 24 hour operating shift for an SSB contest, do any of the old hands have any hints, tips, suggestions, advice (apart from "don't do it") that would be useful for keeping awake and as alert as possible for the duration?
> 73
> Keith, G6NHU
> Martello Tower Group, G0PKT
> http://www.martellotowergroup.com
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