[UK-CONTEST] The G0MTN Christmas message (long)

David G3YYD g3yyd at btinternet.com
Wed Dec 1 13:59:41 PST 2010


Thank you for your very thoughtful and comprehensive report and analysis

I will limit my comment to 80m CC.

First: Highly congested band is great that is what a contest is about. 
Huge amount of activity with more stations active than available 
bandwidth. It happens in all the great contests. Dealing with QRM and 
working around it is all part of high activity contesting that means 
high QSO rate. QRM free is low activity and low rate.

Second: the top contesters will always be the top contesters and as such 
are going to occupy the top positions. Why? because they are simply the 
best operators with the best stations. This can and does put off the 
guys who are not such good operators and have weaker stations. BARTG got 
round this one by putting the best in their own category so the best 
compete with themselves and the second tier compete among themselves. 
May something similar could be done?

Third: The best will be the older, more experienced, probably with more 
available money and time. When I was first licensed it was the G+2 
letter, G2+3 letter and early G3+3 letter who dominated contesting. Just 
happens most are now SK so it is now the later G3 and G4 3 letter etc. 
No doubt in time many Ms will take over as the G+3 letters go SK or 
loose the drive to contest.

Fourth: Guest operating, excellent idea, tried it here with local club, 
asked many times and had no takers. Thoughts of horse, trough, drink 
come to mind.

73 David G3YYD

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