[UK-CONTEST] CY0 DXpedition postponed

Dave Sharred g3nkc at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Dec 7 11:05:50 PST 2010

Just got from Kiwi Reflector:


SABLE ISLAND POSTPONED......Following just received from Randy, N0TG:
BAD News!  We have just been advised that the beach will not be suitable for
landing this week nor next week.  Then after next week, that puts us into
the holiday period.  Thus, we have no choice but to return home, regroup and
come up with a new re-schedule.  What a bummer!!  Certainly 'tis
discouraging, expensive, and we know disappointing to all the Dxer's
following the dxpedition and looking forward to having fun.  We will assess
the situation over the next couple of weeks and layout our new plan at that

Sorry.  Very 73,
Randy, N0TG and the CY0 Team







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