[UK-CONTEST] Frequency Fight Runs To Extra Time.

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Tue Dec 21 09:53:19 PST 2010

On 21/12/2010 08:26, Ian White GM3SEK wrote:

> What *does* tell its own story is a screen capture from a panadapter.
> The waterfall display shows up all the key clickers, hot switchers, VFO
> swishers and noise generators, in a way that we've never seen before.

On 21/12/2010 17:07, Stewart Bryant added:

 > Even if the organizers do nothing a wall (or website) of shame can be
 > built.

The K3/P3 combination make it easy to do this -
since it allows you to freeze the display and
save it to a disc file.

Here are some examples. They all sounded terrible,
but there's nothing like a calibrated display to
make the point.


A couple of UK signals were every bit as bad in
the 1.8 MHz contest last month, but I don't have
pictorial evidence.  Should I collect some during
AFS next month?

Paul EI5DI

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