[UK-CONTEST] December 23cm UKAC - Result

Ray James gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Dec 21 17:26:05 PST 2010

A "struggle" is how I would sum up the final UKAC on 23cm this year.
I can't make up my mind whether it was just poor conditions or iced up antennas and conclude it was probably both.
I thought I'd sorted the 4x44 antennas with a ice/snow clearance task undertaken at midday but returning home 5 hours later with the temparature gauge in the car still displaying -5.5C and freezing fog swirling around, a quick look up to the antennas didn't give me any comfort.

A steady first 10 minutes gave way to a 30 minute period without a contact.
I had spotted an aircraft at 40,000' crossing the North Sea from Denmark towards Scotland and notified Kjeld OZ1FF much earlier than I should of its availablity. A watched kettle never boils and boy did this jet take an age to reach our mid-point. When it eventually arrived the result was very poor with each only hearing the other very briefly.   
Despite another aircraft being in a prime position later on towards PA0S, this time nothing was heard so it certainly wasn't the best evening for aircraft reflection contacts. 

Despite the poor conditions it was a pleasant surprise to have 3 contacts over 500Km resulting from replies to my CQ's so all was not lost. Unfortunately, absolutely nothing from Dave M0GHZ this month despite beaming his direction for much of the evening. It was also frustrating to know numerous stations were replying to my calls but readable copy was impossible so apologise to those I missed.

GM0USI  IO75     7
GM7GDE  IO75    22
GM4JR   IO85   111
GM3SEK  IO74   135
G4KUX   IO94   214
G8KBH   IO83   247
G1SWH   IO83   283
G8XVJ   IO83   307
GW8ASD  IO83   332
G3YJR   IO93   337
G4CBW   IO83   347
G4AGE   IO93   361
G4PBP   IO82   399
G8OHM   IO92   425
G4NBS   JO02   503
G4BRK   IO91   517
G0MJW   IO91   523
G4EAT   JO01   572
G3TCU   IO91   584

A QSO map can be viewed at http://maps.google.com/maps?q=http://www.rsgbcc.org/vhf/kml_files/2010/RbwJuL7QSZRDivNs8Lc6rWd5sbmKROf

A resoundingly successful year for the increased 23cm activity during these events by both competitors and point givers. Roll on 2011 ;-)

A Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year when it comes. 

73 Ray GM4CXM IO75TW


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