[UK-CONTEST] RSGB 1.8 MHz Contest

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Dec 30 05:08:52 PST 2010

In the announcement of the rule changes, on the
27th December, for the RSGB 1.8 MHz contest,


it states "specifically the intent is to introduce
a SSB only and Mixed Mode category."

In the published rules, at

Rule 4 states:
"All entries are mixed-mode, that is, CW and SSB."

However, under Awards (14), the rules state,
"The highest-scoring UK entrant whose log shows
QSOs which are all made on CW will receive an
RSGB certificate, with a similar certificate for
an all-SSB log."

This is at variance with Rule 4, and implies
there are three categories of entry, namely
CW-Only, SSB-Only and mixed-mode.

My question is (as Lee G0MTN asked previously,
without reply) - how many entry categories are
there, and what are they?

Paul EI5DI

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